Hotel test101 Voineasa - Cazare

1000 de hoteluri in Romania

  • 1 1000 de hoteluri in Romania
  • 2 Confirmarea pe loc
  • 3 Platesti direct la hotel
  • 4 Pret minim garantat
  • 5 Fara carte de credit

Hotel test101 stea Voineasa

Adresa: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has s
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Telefon Rezervari : 0744375642
Hotel test101 - Voineasa - poza 1 - travelro Hotel test101 - Voineasa - poza 2 - travelro


Hotel test101 - Voineasa - poza 3 - travelro Hotel test101 - Voineasa - poza 4 - travelro
Facilitati hotel
Facilitati camera

Tarife actualizate 2024 Hotel test101 Voineasa - plata la hotel


Tarifele includ:
Ora hoteliera Hotel test101:
10:00:00 11:00:00
  • Are parcare Hotel test101 ?
    Nu, nu are parcare acest hotel.
  • Accepta tichete de vacanta Hotel test101 ?
    Nu, nu accepta tichete de vacanta acest hotel.
  • In ce interval se poate face check-in si check-out la Hotel test101 ?
    La Hotel test101 se poate face check-in incepand cu ora 10:00:00, iar check-out pana la ora 11:00:00.
  • Ce tipuri de camere pot fi rezervate ?
    Hotel test101 are urmatoarele tipuri de camere: